This pandemic has brought out some form of resilience in all of us one way or another, especially for those of us who are fortunate enough to land jobs that allow them to work from home. This is a trend that is happening all over the world, the Philippines included.
Aside from the obvious reasons of increased safety in the time of a pandemic, the best perk of remote work is the flexibility that it offers. However, working from home comes with it’s own challenges. For many, it’s their productivity that suffers. For one, home is filled with a lot of distractions, from house chores, to pets, to our children, and even our own beds.
In this article, we will give you the most valuable design tips we’ve learned from working on several home office setups that ensure maximum comfort and help productivity. We’ve also blogged about the do’s and don’ts of creating a productive home office here. However, this article will focus more on the design aspect.
Have your desk face a window or a wall
Focus and flow come naturally when we are able to drown out all unnecessary distractions, at least for the duration of our work hours. It becomes especially hard to do that when your space is situated by your bed or facing the television. If you want to achieve a deep state of focused work, you may do so by keeping your central line of vision as clutter-free as possible.
We understand that some of us who live in condominiums and tiny homes do not have the luxury of a spare room. Do not be discouraged. Having your desk face a blank wall or a window with a view is a good place to start. You can find this spot in your living room or even the kitchen, just as long as you face a side of your home with the least distractions.
Consider painting the wall you’re facing with the help of color theory: White is always the safest color, as it gives the space a light and airy feel. Subdued shades of blue are known to bring about clearer thought processes and aid concentration while yellow and orange hues help spark creativity. If it gets too dull, you can always choose to decorate it with plants or wall decor.
Invest in lighting and storage solutions

While natural lighting from the window side is still the best at making us feel alert and inspired, not everyone has access to it. Also, some of us find it easier to be productive in the late afternoons or even in the wee hours of the night, while the rest of the world sleeps. If that’s the case, you will need to make sure your home office is well lit at all times. We suggest getting a task lamp and combining it with wall lamps or a table lamp, depending on your setup.

Storage solutions are also very important. It’s smart to be very selective on what makes it to your home office. After all, you are still home. If it doesn’t increase your creativity, productivity or focus, leave it in your bedroom, kitchen, or wherever it belongs. Identify with a goal, and only have the things that will help in achieving that goal within arm’s reach. Jazz up your space with classy yet minimalist bookends for your books or documents, boxes and organizers for supplies, and maybe an hourglass to time your tasks instead of your mobile phone, the latter of which can usually lead to more distractions.
Create a work from home setup that fits your unique needs
Different jobs require different setups. For instance, if your work requires a lot of documentation such as taking photos or videos, you would need a space with good lighting. If you’re running a food business, retail shop or blog, you may need to consider having a prep table or mini studio separate from where you do your computer work.
If your job requires you to attend a lot of daily virtual meetings, you need to avoid distractions and set up your home office away from the television, pets and children who have the tendency to make a lot of noise.
We at Oaklane can find ways to help you maximize your home office space efficiently through our well-curated and functional home decor and fixtures. Contact us today to get started.